This week starts easy, and I chose to investigate if ethnicity is a factor which affects the youngest age of cannabis. The reason I used cannabis instead of amphetamines is on account of sample size. Here’s the code:
LIBNAME mydata "/courses/d1406ae5ba27fe300 " access=readonly;
*** Make sure to establish your own lib, 'work' is temporary;
libname worklib '~/worklib';
data worklib.working;
set mydata.nesarc_pds;
** Strip unknown drug usage age;
if S3BD5Q2F =99 then S3BD5Q2F = .;
** Make code interpretable by human;
label S3BD5Q2F = 'Age when began using cannabis most';
proc anova plots=none;
class ETHRACE2A;
model S3BD5Q2F = ETHRACE2A;
mean ETHRACE2A / duncan;
And here’s the output. With p value less than .0001, we reject H0, and we cannot infer that the means of Black and American Indian are significantly different. But we do see Hispanic cannabis users take it earlier than all of other 4 ethnicities.